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HOMEDEC of Malaysia

Jun 05 2017
Kuala Lumpur
Freitag, April 28, 2017 bis Montag, Mai 1, 2017

HOMEDEC is recognized for its contribution in catapulting Malaysia’s home renovation industry into a successful platform for home design solutions, ideas and latest home products since its inception in 2003. Today it continues to play a major role in exhibitions, events and highlights that relates to HOMEDEC.


The exhibition is now a household name among Malaysians looking to renovate, refurbish or redecorate their homes. HOMEDEC is a must-visit exhibition for discovering new designs and home solutions. It provides insights and ideas into the latest home designing trends for Malaysians to apply to their homes!


This exhibition significantly increased the exposure of our brand image in the B2C market, Malaysians started to take OPPLE into consideration before any lighting purchase.